Earlier today, Telltale producer Adam Sarasohn shared some brand new information on upcoming title, Tales from the Borderlands. Not only did he share his thoughts on the game and its direction into Telltale territory, but also revealed a few sneaky screenshots
Borderlands, is, admittedly, not the first title that would spring to everyone’s mind when thinking of games that could be a hit in the point-and-click market. While Telltale taking on the world of Pandora is an exciting prospect at face value, after the initial hype, many fans stopped to wonder how this would really work. FPS through and through, it would seem at first glance that the wacky, action-filled antics of the Borderlands titles can only be done justice in the way they already are. However, there is a lot more to Borderlands than just gunslinging action, as Sarasohn explains.
“If you pause to take a breath between shooting everything in sight and stealing your buddies’ loot in multiplayer, you’ll know that Borderlands features some amazing characters and stories in a world that’s rich in dark humor. Handsome Jack, Claptrap, Tiny Tina, Angel, Moxxi, Zer0… it’s a big list. We (Telltale) are all about compelling characters and stories, and we see an amazing opportunity to build on what Gearbox has created.”

Makes sense after all, doesn’t it? And if that doesn’t quite sell you, Sarasohn also pointed out a few other details that may just sway your judgement.
- The loot you grab in Tales will be available to use in other areas of the Borderlands franchise
- Your choices matter and will help create YOUR version of the story across the season
- The series takes place after the events of Borderlands 2. Handsome Jack is gone. Or is he?
- You’re going to play two different viewpoints. Rhys works for Hyperion; he’s a company man with grand ambitions that have been thrown off the rails. Fiona is a fast-talking con artist, with very few people left on Pandora she hasn’t swindled one way or another
- They both have a very different opinion of the events that brought them together, and the only way to find out something near to the truth is to live their lives and make your own decisions
So far, Tales from the Borderlands is looking just as inviting as the other titles from Telltale. With dark humour and quirky characters, it will be a real pull for a lot of gamers across the board, whether they prefer point-and-clicks or shooters. For the full blog post check out the Playstation website, and be sure feast your eyes on the new screenshots below.