Square Enix Reveal Explosive Trailer for Murdered: Soul Suspect

In a new trailer posted on Murdered: Soul Suspect’s Youtube channel, we get our first real glimpse at the terrifying events unfolding in the sleepy town of Salem.

In Murdered: Soul Suspect, The Bell Killer’s murder spree is in full force when protagonist Ronan O’Connor gets tragically caught in the firing line. Finding himself stuck in the ‘purgatorial world of Dusk’, Ronan needs to use all his skills as a detective to work out just what The Bell Killer’s motive is, and how he himself became a victim. He doesn’t have to do it all the old-fashioned way, though, as ghost-Ronan has picked up some powerful supernatural abilities to help in his investigation.

Playing out like the trailer for some epic crime movie, the video showcases the murders of The Bell Killer, paying special attention to the bell insignia he leaves at the scene of his murders and the apparent lack of motive or pattern between his victim choices. Just what the bell symbolise is anybody’s guess, but it will no doubt play a crucial part to solving the mystery and catching the masked murderer.

Dramatic, chilling and dark, The Bell Killer trailer makes Murdered: Soul Suspect look like an extremely promising title, which many will be eagerly anticipating. The game will launch on June 3rd, on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. For more information, check out the official website.