Sony Registers Dark Chronicle Trademark

Dark Chronicle was celebrated as one of the best role playing games on the Playstation 2, and with the advent of digital releases and high definition remasters, many people predicted it would be among the titles chosen to receive a PS2 classic edition or a graphical overhaul.

These hopes may soon be answered, as it was reported earlier this year that Sony Computer Entertainment had registered the trademark for the name of the game. The information was picked up earlier this week by Trademark Bot, a Japanese Twittter account that specialises in finding recently filed trademarks. To see the information for yourself, be sure to check out the original post.

The information is only speculation at this point, but with the recent trend of games being re-released, it could be possible that we may see a release on the Playstation Network, or a collection with Dark Cloud, the original game in the series, in the near future.

Would you be excited to see the game return? Let us know what you think in the comments below.