Star Conflict MMO adds Oculus Rift and Linux Support

Star Conflict the free to  play space MMO has announced a big update in time for their two year anniversary.

Stanislav Skorb, Director, Star Gem Inc says,

“We believe that gamers need as many options as possible. Our goal is to provide them with freedom of choice to pick which operating system better suits their needs. Thanks to our new update Star Conflict supports all popular operating systems: Windows, Mac OS and now Linux (through Steam). And Linux support means that in the future Star Conflict will be available on all gaming platforms based on this OS.”

The latest update brings support for Oculus Rift meaning players can experience the game in full deep space virtual reality. “transporting them from their chairs into cockpits of high-powered spaceships, setting them on a deadly course of intergalactic battles in spectacular full stereoscopic 3D with a 360-degree panoramic view of deep space”

Star Conflict’s two-year anniversary and to celebrate, Gaijin Entertainment and Star Gem Inc. will offer massive discounts for in-game purchases including DLC and free premium account access for everyone between April 3 and April 7, 2104.

Sign up and start playing over at the Star Conflict website.