Do you wish that unlocking epic armour and gaining World XP for all your characters was easier? It soon will be with the new Guild Wars 2 update. From mid April 2014, the feature pack will allow players to obtain said armours and XP and it will be available account wide.
Upon release of the new update, the devs have advised for players to log in on every character on their account. Once done, the XP for WvW will change from character bound to account bound. This will allow for any XP gain to be applied to your account total. Alongside this change, the World Ability Points will be reset to give players the opportunity to reallocate points.

As for Legendary and Ascended items, when the Feature Pack build hits the game all said items will become account bound. This means the items will not become soul bound when equipped but rather account bound. This is to ensure that hard earned items can be used and enjoyed for more than one character.
So, look forward to the April update as you can enjoy your hard earned rewards more. For more details, please visit the Guild Wars 2 official website. Also, please take a look at our article on previous Feature Pack announcements. Game well.