Capcom Expected To Announce New Street Fighter Character At Final Round XVII

Capcom has been detailing new features for its upcoming fifth (and probably final) revision of their biggest fighting game, Street Fighter IV, at recent tournaments. At the Southern California Regionals two weeks ago, Peter “Combofiend” Rosas showed the trailer for Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Edition Select feature, which lets you essentially go back in time through the different versions of Street Fighter IV and pick out your favourite nerfs and buffs. You’ll be able to pit the infamously powerful Sagat from the first iteration of Street Fighter IV vs the equally infamously powerful version of Yun from the 2011 update, dubbed Arcade Edition.

Rosas teased that the announcement coming at this weekend’s Final Round XVII Tournament – now in its seventeenth year – is the one we’ve “been waiting for”. Capcom is expected to formally announce the fifth character for Ultra Street Fighter IV, who we now know is female, and whom Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono has said will “annoy a lot of people”. The character is apparently part of the Street Fighter universe (which consists of many comics, cartoons and movies), but has never been playable in a fighting game before.

The new character joins the likes of Hugo, Poison, Rolento, and Elena, characters which have all been ported over from 2012’s Street Fighter X Tekken, Capcom’s ill-fated crossover title.

A trailer will likely be shown on the stream before Grand Finals for the current version of Street Fighter IV, which has the laborious subtitle of Arcade Edition: ver.2012.

Fighting game site has handily provided links to all the relevant streams so you can watch all the action as it happens live. Speculation has been rampant as to who the character is ever since it was known that there would be five characters heading to the game. All eyes are on Final Round this weekend to see what will be announced.