Thief Launch Trailer Promises Conspiracy And Grand-Larceny

The launch trailer for the Thief reboot is now live, arriving a few days before the games release date.

From the Playstation Blog, the trailer sets the stage for Garrett’s return. With the City on the verge of collapse and zombie-like beings walking in the darker parts of town, Thief seems to be taking its story more seriously than the older games in the series, or at least wants to present it with more visual flair.

With the February 25 release date for NA looming closer, the trailer lays some of my worries about the new Thief game to rest. With Eidos-Montreal behind the helm of the reboot, hopefully they can work the same magic they did for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Thief will be out on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One February 25 in NA, 27 in AU, and 28 in EU. Hopefully the extra few days won’t seem that bad for European fans.