Borderlands 2 to receive Colorblind Mode

All versions of Borderlands 2 will be receiving a colourblind mode in an upcoming update for players with colour-blindness.

The update adds the mode in the Video Options menu, when enabled will display the name of the colour of each item with text on its stats card, programmers Jeffery Broome has said on the developers’ blog.

“For Borderlands 2, it would be difficult to add anything to the existing loot beam displayed in the world since it’s not easy to modify the existing particle effects after the game has shipped,” Broome wrote. “But we can add text to the item card to display the color of the item when you get close enough to see the item card with the stats on it.

“I chose to use the name of the color (‘green,’ ‘blue,’ ‘orange’) rather than the rarity name (‘uncommon,’ ‘rare, ‘legendary,’ etc.) because not everyone would know what color corresponds to ‘uncommon’ or ‘very rare’ and because there is already a loading screen tip that tells you the order of the colors (white, green, blue, purple and orange).”

Players will be able to select from three types of colour vision deficiency (Deutranopia, Protanopia or Tritanopia.) Broome advises that players with protanomaly or protanopia should use the deuteranopia setting due to last minute bug detection until the issues is “hot fixed.”