Thief To Contain “Nudity” and “Strong Sexual Content”

In the rating for upcoming stealth title, Thief 4, the Entertainment Software Rating Board have ‘awarded’ Eidos-Montreal’s game a “mature” rating for containing a few naughty sections which suggest some in-game nudity.

The spoiler-free ESRB synopsis gave Thief this rating due to “Blood, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs, Violence”. Given the role you take, a thief not afraid to bloody their hands for a little financial incentive, most of this should come as no surprise. The sexual content however, wasn’t expected by many. The synopsis elaborates:

“During the course of the game, players can roam through a brothel environment in which several prostitutes are depicted topless. The central character has the ability to spy on couples engaging in sexual activity (topless characters); suggestive moaning and dialogue can also be heard.”

Thief has already been compared to Dishonored, seeing as that itself was based on the Thief series, however, Dishonored shied away from anything too graphic at its own brothel level.

Thief will be releasing on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC February 25, so keep your valuables safe until then.