Nintendo Valued Higher Than Sony In Markets


Nintendo now has a market value that’s higher than Sony. Metro reports that Sony (that’s all of Sony, not just Sony Computer Entertainment) is now valued less than Nintendo.

This of course seems contradictory, as Sony reported that 4.2 million Playstation 4s were sold last year – which is almost as much as the lifetime sales of the Wii U, which was launched in late 2012 and has struggled ever since.

Speculation abounds as to what this could all mean. Rumours are floating on several forums that Nintendo are ready to make a big announcement, but Sony stock could have taken a hit due to other areas such as Sony Pictures failing to make an impact.

However, the most likely scenario is that Nintendo continues to enjoy massive success in the handheld space, with the 3DS and 2DS continuing to sell, and combined with China lifting its ban on consoles, opening up a new market for Nintendo, the valuation doesn’t seem so shocking.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.