Robin Comes To Infinite Crisis

The latest Champion Profile for Infinite Crisis shows Robin and all his abilities as a “support” champion. This isn’t the classic incarnation of Robin aka Dick Grayson, as his role as Nightwing means the new kid Tim Drake takes up the mantle of the Boy Wonder, Robin.

Infinite Crisis is Turbine’s DC-universe entry into the MOBA genre, and will be a free-to-play title on PC when it launches in the future. The game is currently in beta and players can sign up on the official Infinite Crisis website for a beta slot. How the gaming community will take to the game when it launches remains to be seen, given the dominance of Riot Games’ League of Legends in the genre. 

Turbine have introduced Robin via the following video, which shows footage of Robin in action as he engages teamfights.

Infinite Crisis will launch as a free-to-play MOBA game sometime in 2014. Will you be giving it a try? Let us know what you think in the comments below.