Halo 4 Matching Updated to Celebrate 343 Day

 343 Industries ironically celebrated 343 Day by changing up the online matchmaking lists for Halo 4. The main one to consider is Speed Slayer. Speed Slayer rapidly up’s player speed in 6 v 6 team scenarios. The 343 team has commented,

“Speed Slayer is a fun, fast-paced game type which gives you the opportunity to experience the benefits of the Resistor. Originally previewed in the Champions Bundle, the Resistor Tactical Package allows players to retain full mobility when taking fire for a few moments. Try out the playlist to help decide if and how you’d like to build it into one of your Loadouts!”

Check out further details on the game-type below:


The game type will be featured on the following maps:

Halo 4 has also included Race within the matchmaking system. Each match includes 8 players, no Join-In-Progress as to ensure the competitive edge. The race maps are listed below:


Will you be jumping on to try these new game modes? Let us know what you think in the comments below.