Stick It To The Man Coming To Steam Next Week

Stick it to the man is weird. Not weird in the sense that it occasionally does something a little nonsensical, but downright bonkers. Thankfully the previously PS3 and PS Vita exclusive title will be gracing Steam with its presence. Zoink! Studios PC version will be available within a few short days.

Coming December 13, next Friday you can take the role of Ray, a guy who, after a bump on the noggin, gains the ability to move things with a pink hand that stretches out from his mind. It is a nifty little puzzle-platformer, one that would fit the keyboard and mouse setup of a PC. The game was penned by Adventure Time comic writer Ryan North, so if you are a fan of the mathematical series, this game may be your cup of tea.

If you aren’t familiar with the game, check out the launch trailer below:

What do you think? Is Stick It To The Man a game you want on the brain? Let us know in the comments.