Bravely Default character designer leaves Square Enix

Character designer Akihiko Yoshida, who worked on the Bravely Default titles along with Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn and Final Fantasy Tactics, has left Square Enix after working with the company since 1995.

The confirmation came from “The Art of Bravely” artbook that was released today, and shipped along with copies of Bravely Default: For the Sequel in Japan, Siliconera reports.

The note translates to say:

“This is a personal message of mine, but I’d like to say thank you for all the support these past 18 years. I have decided to leave Square Enix, but I believe our relationship will continue going on. And as long as I’m needed [laughs,] I will continue working on the Bravely Default series. Thank you for your continued support.

Bravely Default main character designer & lead artist,

Akihiko Yoshida.”

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