“Critically Acclaimed” PS3 Games Coming To PS4 Via Gaikai Next Year

Game-streaming services such as OnLive and Gaikai have always been interesting, but now it seems that the technology will be put to use to solve a practical problem, name backwards compatibility on the PS4.

Only needing one console to play your entire library is certainly a nice idea, and certain PS3s were able to play PS1, 2, and 3 games, which was of course perfect for those lucky enough to have them.

According to Siliconera, Sony will be bringing “critically acclaimed” PS3 games to the PS4 and Vita in 2014 using Gaikai. Sony has announced that this feature will be available to U.S customers, but has not announced any equivalent feature for gamers outside the U.S just yet.

As for what “critically acclaimed” means, presumably the big-name Sony franchises such as Uncharted and God of War will head to the service.

What do you think? What PS3 games would you like to see playable via the cloud? Let us know in the comments below.