Guns N’ Roses Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal Plays Rocksmith 2014 Edition

 Ubisoft have this month brought in lead guitarist of Guns N’ Roses, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal to try out Rocksmith 2014 Edition in their studios. The video, found below, shows Ron trying out several of the games new features, such as Session Mode, Riff Repeater, Guitarcade and an interview with the man himself. 

When asked what he thought of Rocksmith 2014 Edition, Ron replied: “For such a complex game that covers so many things it was very easy to just start right up. You didn’t leave any stone unturned as far as what matters.” Rocksmith 2014 Edition allows players to use any real guitar or bass on their Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC or Mac and practice songs, rifts and challenges to improve their guitar play. 

If you want all of the latest information on Rocksmith 2014 Edition check out the site here. What did you make of the new features in the video? Let us know what you think in the comments below.