Battlefield 4 PS4 Update will Fix Crashes

The launch of Battlefield 4 has not been completely smooth, early on DICE had to recognise issues on PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PC versions with frequent crashing and have already deployed some updates including a title update on the Xbox 360 version.

DICE has now said that they have fixed the stability issues with the PlayStation 4 version of Battlefield 4.

“We have recently identified and eliminated three of the most common crash issues on PS4 in a hotfix,” said the developer, but no details were given.

A few issues that players have faced include loss of campaign saved data and an inability to connect to the 64-player Conquest servers.

“We will continue to investigate and eliminate stability issues as we find them. We have a game update on PS4 in the works for the week of Nov 25 and will be able to share details on it soon,”

Have you encountered these issues and what platform have you been playing on? Let us know in the comments.