The First English Pokémon X and Y Trading Cards Uncovered

The next set in the Pokémon Trading Card Game is bringing the game to the Kalos region and with it, more Pokémon for players to use:

The Mega Pokémon are a nice touch but it is unlikely they will see much play. They are bulky but it seems they would take a while to set up leaving them vulnerable to a quick knock-out. The starters on the other hand are all extremely interesting, Greninja’s quick damaging ability is sure to score some quick knock-outs, Chesnaught’s Spiky Shield could do some reasonable damage combined with the Rocky Helmet and who can say no to 6 cards in had via Delphox’s power.

It seems the newest Pokémon X and Y TCG set is off to a good start, lets hope the rest of the cards are as interesting as these.

What do you think of the first English cards form the Pokémon X and Y set? Would you use any? Or are the not as good as we think?