Football Manager Not To Show On Next Gen Consoles?

 Many have speculated as to if there may indeed be a Football Manager title for next-gen consoles. According to Sport Interactive studio boss Miles Jacobson, this is unlikely to be the case.  In an interview with MCV he concluded, “we have no plans for next-gen at all.” 

The main complication seems to be a lack of impressive sales and support on their previous attempts to conquer the console marker. Jacobson noted, “We didn’t have a lot of success on the 360. We did on the first version on Xbox, and we usually see ourselves going up year-on-year not falling.” Yet not all is doom and gloom, there is always the possibility that a next gen title will arise. “I want to look at the technology and see if there’s anything we can do,” Jacobson added.

We will have to sit back and wait to see if Sports Interactive make the plunge for next-gen consoles. Do you believe a Football Manager release will hit next-gen consoles? Let us know what you think in the comments below.