Russians are Messing up Team Fortress 2’s Economy


If you were not aware, Valves crazy hat loving FPS Team Fortress 2 actually has a very large and thriving economy based around the selling and trading of various items in game, some of which are very expensive. To give you an example of this, the item “Earbuds” are worth $32 (or around 25 Mann Co Keys which are about $1.25) each. This item is much loved and is very popular, hence the high price. Therefore, just like in the real world, players can actually make a living out of buying in and then selling these virtual goods.

So now we turn to the website TF2Finance, a site that tracks the values of these in game items, and the sites owner, a user called base1024. This user put up a post detailing that over 5000 keys had been injected into the community over night via some Russian based accounts. These accounts after buying the keys then quickly started to trade these keys for Earbuds leading to four times the amount of Earbud trades occurring the same day. They then started selling the acquired Earbuds on for the equivalent of $22, a full $10 less then the normal price.

Pretty odd right? This is where base1024 did some more digging and traced the accounts and looked at there inventories. There, he found nothing in them other than Keys, Earbuds and Mann Co Packages while also realising that all of the accounts were part of a Steam group called “DIE Friend” (which started up in 2011). He summed it up with these comments:

So what’s the problem then? Not only is this destabilising the TF2 economy but it has been worked out that the users are making a cool 33% return on all money the put on this system. Every $300 they pump in gets them $100 of untraceable cash making this a effective and efficient money laundering scheme.

Valve has yet to comment on this activity but with players adamant that this money laundering scheme is the real deal, they my just have to step in…

But what do you think? Are the Russians abusing Team Fortress 2? Or are the players just barking up the wrong tree?