Blizzard Announces World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor at Blizzcon

Today at Blizzcon, Blizzard announced the fifth expansion to their juggernaut MMO World of Warcraft.

The expansion will feature new character models, and the new Draenor are to explore, which consists of 7 zones, and one pvp zone. 6 new dungeons and 2 new raids also await those looking for a challenge.

The expansion will also give players the option to instantly upgrade a character to level 90 – even a brand new one. The level cap has been raised to 100 though, so it doesn’t instantly create a maxed out character. 

The story concerns a pivotal moment in Warcraft history, letting players do battle with the likes of Ner’zhul and Blackhand. Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime commented on the latest content:

“Warlords of Draenor gives players a chance to take a commanding role in one of the Warcraft series’ most crucial conflicts….This expansion also includes features that make it easy for anyone to jump right into the action, whether they’ve played WoW at some point in the past or are just setting foot in Azeroth for the first time.”

Blizzard also released an announcement trailer showing off some of the graphical updates:

Blizzard hasn’t release any info on a release date, but it’s probably a long way off considering how infamous Blizzard is for taking their time on games. WoW fans probably wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Are you a World of Warcraft player? What do you think of these changes? Let us know in the comments below.