Latest Annoyed Gamer Claims PS4 May Be Prone To Overheating

The Annoyed Gamer, AKA Marcus Beer, has claimed to have heard a startling claim the Playstation 4. While the episode wasn’t as hard hitting as many of his recent ones, Beer’s claims that he has heard rumors about the PS4 overheating itself.

Beer stated on his show he has been “hearing rumors from several different sources that the PS4 is prone to overheating.” He supports this by claiming he has “yet to see a working Playstaiton 4“, and that all we have seen so far are debug units.

His claims by no means make it true, and should be taken with a heavy pinch of salt, but the man is in a position to hear things well before the general gaming public. There is no way to check the validity of these comments, especially as his sources are unnamed and Sony are being very tight-lipped. You can find the full episode here.

With the launch of both the PS4 and Xbox One mere weeks away, we will have to sit and wait to see what issues present themselves as they arise. It is for sure though that no one wants a repeat of the Red Ring of Death.

What do you think? Do you think Beer’s comments hold much water or was it just empty moaning? Let us know in the comments.