Young Horses Looking To Move Octodad to Vita

Young Horses Producer and Programmer Kevin Geisler the genius behind Octodad has stated that the title my find itself moving towards a PS Vita release in the near future. PlayStation have always been looking to solidify ties with indie developers, indicated of course by the vast sway of indie titles already heading to PS4 this November. One such title is Octodad: Dadliest Catch. 

Bad title puns aside this off the wall title is all about a Octopus attempting to display his humanity whilst you are surrounded by increasingly bizarre and random events. Many are now hoping that the title could move towards a possible PS Vita release as well. A tweet has lead to these rumors being more than just hopes and dreams.

Brian Sharon @BrianGSharon
@luthyr @PTibz Well then let me email you and convince you to do just that….there might be even be an octopus in it for you! ( Sorry Phil)

Kevin Geisler @luthyr
@BrianGSharon @PTibz Well, it is on our list of things we’d like to do, but just have to have time open up after PC/PS4 release. 🙂

Could this be the Octodad release many have wanted? Let us know what you think in the comments below.