Mojang’s Scrolls May Go Free-To-Play Soon

In an interview with Mojang co-founder Jakob Porser has said that Scrolls, the studios second release after Minecraft, may move to free-to-play due to underwhelming sales.

Porser stated “We do not close [the door] for making Scrolls a free game in the future if that’s what is needed to attract more players. That is how most other collectible card games work today”.

Given the titan the Minecraft eventually became, it is hard to compare the two. This is something Porsen recognized, saying “That Scrolls would sell a lot less than Minecraft has always been obvious“.

Scrolls gained 100,000 sales at launch, but since then they have only added another 10,000 to that number. If sales numbers don’t begin budging soon, a free-to-play model may be the best move.

What do you think? Will a F2P model be best for the ailing game, or something completely different? Let us know in the comments.