Fable Legends is the Beginning of “Season One” of the Game

Lionhead Studios, developers of the Fable franchise, have revealed some of their plans for the upcoming title Fable Legends. Speaking to IGN, game director David Eckelberry that narrative is the focus with Fable Legends and that they intend to use episodic DLC to continue the story of Legends like a TV show. Eckelberry stated that fans should treat the initial launch of as “season one” of the games story.

“The storyline is absolutely there and very important,” Eckelberry said. “Of course there’s a higher purpose with a broad storyline that combines the various quests. But we tell new stories all the time. That’s the beauty of episodic content.

“We don’t want Fable Legends to stop when you finish the game. You should think about seasons and episodes. Fable Legends might just be Season One and we can add new quests and stories in the future, in the form of DLC for example.”

This continues on from the words of Lionhead boss John Needham who last month said that Fable Legends will continue for another 10 years.

“This is the next big Fable game that is going to be out for five to ten years so it needs to be big, it needs to be interesting,” Needham said.

“There needs to be a lot of stuff to do, it needs to integrate all the cloud and Xbox One features so we keep our community alive and growing. So yeah, it’s big and ambitious, but it needs to be because it’s going to be around a long time.”

What are your thoughts on the distribution methods for Fable Legends? Excited for an expanding story over the course of the next few years? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below.