Magrunner: Dark Pulse Coming To PS3

Focus Home Interactive and Frogware stuido are relasing the first person action puzzle game set in a cyberpunk reimagining of H.P Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos.

The game is based in 2048 and a handful of young citizens have been chosen by the Gruckezber Corporation to join the Magtech training program for space exploration. Using a special gloze you much solve your way through challenge rooms by magnetically charging objects that attract and repel to each other.

You play as Dax Ward, one of the competitors in the training program, using your glove you can power any other Magtech objects with different charges. The goal is to navigate through each level, solving the puzzles and to get the right objects to attract with each other.

This is an advanced puzzle game that builds up in speed and dynamism as you advance into the new levels and learn new mechanics.

Magrunner: Dark Pulse will be available on the 23th October for download onto the PlayStation 3 as is available now.

Will you be dowloading Magrunner: Dark Pulse? Let us know in the comments.