Anne Frank: A Game That Puts You In Her Shoes

A German-based game designer, Kira Resari, is in the process of creating an interactive videogame that will place players into the shoes of Anne Frank for the day in order to memorialize the Holocaust for the next generation.

The game put you into the attic where she and her family hide in Amsterdam during World War II. The game is meant to be an interactive experience, but not intended to be fun.

“It’s more like you get carried away, touched, and perhaps moved to tears.”

Resari said he designed the game because “younger generations need access to history on their own wavelength.”

Scott-Hendryke Dillan, a spokesman for the Anne Frank Centre in Berlin, said that the centre is aware of the project but has not had the opportunity to evaluate it.

The aim is to educate the younger generation, but is this really the best way, or will it just trivialize the past? What are your ideas on this? Let us know in the comments.