Amnesia Developers – Killer Robots To Hunt Players in SOMA

 The developers at Frictional Games confirmed today that, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs wasn’t a sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Decent but more a spiritual successor. Their next title, SOMA, whilst not a sequel looks to form a environment far more horrific than anything seen before. 

SOMA, set in a PATHOS-2 research facility a world where machines act of their own accord and that as stated in the press release;

“The facility is devolving into chaos. No weapons, and the only escape is practically unthinkable.”

From what has been displayed in the content below so far, the title looks to paralyze you in fear with electronic terrors. Frictional Games states that SOMA is, “an aberrant tale of scientific inquiry and survival; an entropic exploration of synapse and circuit that wades through the delusions of human consciousness.” Despite being in development for some time, the title is not expected to see release until 2015. 


What do you think of this gameplay and what we may see from the title in the years to come? Let us know what you think in the comments below.