Assassins Creed 4 – Embrace The Caribbean

 In a recent interview with PC Gamer the Creative Director behind Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag Ashraf Ismail commented that he wants the player to lose themselves in the Caribbean environment;

“With Black Flag, we want players to be completely lost in the Caribbean. What I mean is, you have a mission that is at the top of the map, but when you move in that direction the game world will keep inviting you to move off that path without you knowing it. Maybe if you find yourself, 45 minutes later, nowhere near that mission start, but you’ve done a bunch of harpooning and found a bunch of treasures and updated the Jackdaw, this for me is achieving a level of immersiveness that really only open world games can achieve. We’re always going to push the immersiveness layer, having systems that attract you and pull your attention.”

This idea that we should really want to delve deep into the world depicted in Assassins Creed titles is an ideal that has been chased since the original, but a restrictive city setting does limit this potential. Having access to an endless ocean of treasures, quite literally, Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag may be able to create a full naval exploration dream world for gamers to indulge in. 

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag is set for a European release on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U this October 31st. 
Are you tempted to travel over the Caribbean? Let us know what you think in the comments below.