River City Ransom: Underground Kickstarter Now Fully Funded

The kicstarter campaign for Conatus Creative’s official sequel to River City Ransom has now been completed.

Entitled River City Ransom: Underground, the game is an homage to the beat’em genre, which gained popularity in the late 1980’s and the early 1990’s. The game boasts creative input from Yoshihisa Kishimoto, the director of 1987’s Double Dragon, and a musical score by Fez composer Rich Vreeland (aka Disasterpeace).

The team were asking for $180,000 CAD (canadian dollars) to produce the game for Windows, and has so far reached a total of 190,392 with 44 hours to go.

Stretch goals are in place for other versions, and if the developers can raise more money they can release the game on PS4, Vita, Wii U, 3DS, Xbox One and PS3. The highest stretch goal is for PS3, which puts into perspective just how awkward it is to develop for.

For more details, you can visit the game’s official Kickstarter page. What do you think? Will you be downloading the game? Did you play the original River City Ransom? Let us know in the comments below.