Nintendo Spent 6 Months Remastering Wind Waker HD

 Upon the announcement of Wind Waker HD for the Wii U, many were taken aback by the incredibly short window of time the title had for production. 
Despite only taking 6 months to remaster the title, the game remains in 1080p, with re-worked graphics and several new supplements to the gameplay itself. In a recent interview with 4Gamer Zelda series Producer Eiji Aonuma backed up the knowledge over the games development. 

 “It took about 6 months. Development was still difficult. You had to consider the difference in hardware at the time. Additionally there is a technique known as toon shading, which gives the game a very animated look. At that time, the technique was established, but had not be used before by our staff, everyone had to do everything by hand.”

Regardless of the tight development, the game does indeed look the part. Do you think Wind Waker HD needed more time in development?

Let us know what you think in the comments below.