Volition’s Jim Boone Wants DICE To Bring Red Faction Back From The Grave

Talking with OXM, Volition Inc senior producer Jim Boone has said he would love to see the Red Faction series return. Not only that, but he would prefer that the series would come back being developed by DICE. The Battlefield 4 devs are no stranger to destructible buildings, which is exactly why Boone would prefer them. He stated “I think you almost by definition have to be someone who has some experience in destruction so yeah, I’d totally be giving it up to DICE, if I could choose anyone”

The Red Faction series was cancelled in 2011 after the poor sails of Red Faction: Armageddon. After THQ went bankrupt, the series was sold off to Nordic Games. While Red Faction does have its share of fans who want a new entry to the series, Nordic have yet to announce any plans for the series.

What do you think? Did you enjoy the Red Faction series? Would you like to see a new one? Let us know what you think in the comments.