Dark Souls II Stunt Brings Traffic In London To A Stand Still

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If you stopped on your way back from work by a six foot man in armor, wielding a sword, it would be pretty scary experience, or at least a little weird. This was the sight many gamers and pedestrians were met with at Eurogamer Expo yesterday, after one of the games knights escaped the game and wondered around the streets of Earls Court, London.

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Now While you do see all manner of oddities walking the streets of London, a man clad in Dark Age style armor is a bit out of the usual. Even worse when you wield a weapon at a bus, not a great way to make friends. You can find the full set of images here.

There is one issue with this stunt however. Even though this gentleman is obviously not really going to harm anyone, he is making the passers by part of the event and possibly seeming very threatening. This can’t really be judged without being there, but people have gotten in a lot more trouble, for a lot less than a short metal sword. While I personally would be in on the joke, a lot of people wouldn’t get it.

Dark Souls II is out PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 March 2014.

What do you think? Do you think the stunt is cool, or is it a stupid idea? Let us know in the comments.