Xbox One Tour Coming to 75 Cities Across the World

Xbox One Tour Poster

 Prior to the Xbox One launch this November 22nd Microsoft has organised an Xbox One tour. The console will travel across 75 different consoles and will feature several experimental events. 
Those in the US, Canada and Europe will experience the, “Area One” tour where players will experience the Xbox One premier AAA titles. Other events include the, “Test Drive” which will allow plays to gain hands-on gameplay in unique locations and hotspots. 

The Xbox One tour has been quoted confirming several cities and locations. 

“‘Area One’ will bring a large traveling tour to many markets around the world, including Philadelphia, Toronto, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Vienna, Paris and Berlin. Xbox fans will be among the first to get their hands on the upcoming blockbuster games coming to Xbox One, including hotly anticipated titles like “Forza Motorsport 5,” “Ryse: Son of Rome,” “Killer Instinct,” “Dead Rising 3,” “Crimson Dragon,” “Max: Curse of the Brotherhood,” “LocoCycle” and more.”

Most titles will be age restricted and offer only limited space. However if your 18 years+ and want to get some early action with the Xbox One, check out the confirmed tour list below!


Below is a poster for the, “Test Drive” locations. 


For more details be sure to check out the Xbox One Tour Hub

Are you interested on getting early access to Xbox One content? 

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