EA Have Said They Were Given a Truckload of Money to Delay Plants Vs Zombies 2 on Android

During an internal town hall meeting for Electronic Arts, it was revealed that Apple had paid EA to delay Plants Vs Zombies 2 coming to the Android platofrm. Frank Gibeau, head of EA Labels, said:

“Apple gave us a truckload of money to delay the Android version (of Plants vs Zombies 2)”

Giant Bomb confirmed the quote was in fact real, backed by several sources who have seen the presentation in question. They also revealed that a PopCap representative have released this statement; “We can’t comment on internal meetings“.

I think we can all agree, that the only thing we want to know now is, just how big was this truck?

What do you think of this news? Are you an Android user missing out on PvZ2? Well, at least you know why now!