Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut Out Today On PSN

 Jasper Byrne’s pixelated horror-show is now available though the PSN store for your Playstation 3 and PS Vita. Lone Survivor originally came out on PC March last year, but now it has finally made its way to Sony consoles today.

Lone Survivor is a surreal affair, with most of the game seeming like a grotesque dream. Mental health is a huge factor as you explore the dilapidated buildings, as well as being followed by all manner of weird characters. Taking more than a few nods to the Silent Hill series, Lone Survivor is a must play for any horror fan who hasn’t already played it on PC. Check out the launch trailer below:

Lone Survivor will set you back a measly $12.99/£9.99, a price well worth paying. Ported by Curve Studios, additional content has been added to make it worthy of the “Director’s Cut” title, including new items, endings and multiple tweaks to make it the best version of the game. Turn the lights out, sit back, and soak it in. You may scare yourself witless, but you will be happy you did.

What do you think? Will you be downloading Lone Survivor onto your PS3 or PS Vita, or have you already played it? Let us know in the comments.