Lead Writer for Destiny Title Joseph Staten Leaves Bungie

 It has been announced today that Joseph Staten, lead writer on Bungie’s latest title, Destiny has now left the company. 
In a statement today bungie had this to say about their loss of the writer. 

“At Bungie, we consider ourselves lucky. Every day, we get to do what we love in an amazing place, alongside people we respect and admire. No one embodies that more than Joseph Staten.
Few have contributed as much to our success. To that end, it is with no small degree of sadness that we say “Godspeed” to more than just a Grizzled Ancient, but an old, dear friend. And it is with no small degree of delight and intrigue that we imagine what worlds he might take us to next.”

Before leaving Staten left a message to the community, stated below,

“After fifteen great years at Bungie, from the battlefields of Myth to the mysteries of Halo and beyond, I’m leaving to tackle new creative challenges. While this may come as a surprise, fear not.
It’s been my pleasure building Destiny these past four years, and after the big reveal this Summer, our hugely talented team is on track for greatness.
I’ll be cheering all of them, with all of you, when the game launches next year. Thank you for your support of me, and your continued support of Bungie. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

With Destiny set for a release in the not to distant future, it is a true shame to see a major figure within Bungie leaves the ranks. 

What do you make of Joseph Staten’s departure? 

Let us know what you think in the comments below.