The PlanetSide 2 World Domination Series Has Begun

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The PlanetSide 2 World Domination Series (PS2WDS) has begun and is already being touted as the thing with the worst acronym in history by critics across the globe. This five week long event will see players from across the globe compete for total dominance over the planet of Auraxis with a host of prizes available for those with the skills to pay the bills. Players can battle for either the Terran Republic, the Vanu Sovereignty, or the New Conglomerate in the ultimate struggle for supremacy. Enough flowery language though, here is the what/when/why/how and who of the PS2WDS.

When will the PS2WDS take place?

What is the PS2WDS?

Scoring system


The in-game rankings will be updated in real-time throughout the event and will show players the progress that each empire is making. If you want to catch up on the event’s highs and lows then you can check out weekly summaries and live streams over at Twitch. Bare in mind this event is only a pre-season warm up and that more seasons and events are already in the works.

Want to get in on the action? Download Planetside 2 for free here. Be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming let’s play of Planetside 2 as well and be sure to let us know what you think of the game, the event and our video in the comments below.