Skylanders Reaches $1.5 Billion Lifetime Revenue

 Whilst Disney Infinity has made splashes Activision has responded in kind to the toy-game hybrid with an expansion for the Skylanders series. Skylanders Giants has sold more than 500,000 copies in its first two weeks on the market concluding in a more than $1.5 billion life time revenue for the Skylanders franchise thus far.

This figure included both Starter Packs and Portal Owner Packs but it is leaps and bounds above Disney Infinity’s sales during the same period which reached only 294,000 units sold. According to Activision, if the revenue from the games, toys and accessories of Skylanders Giants then it is the more successful game of the year in Europe and the United States in the form of dollars earned.

Activions CEO Hirschberg commented, “We’ve accomplished this unmatched level of success by consistently delivering magic to our passionate, young fans…the best is yet to come.”

Many expansions are already in the works for the Skylanders series, with the Vicarious Visions’ Skylanders Swap Force planned for worldwide release next month. Swap Force is the third full console release for Skylanders in just over two years. 

With many of the $1.5 billion sales not occurring until mid 2012, and with an extra $500 million profit made in the last seven months alone, the Skylanders series does not seem to be going anywhere in a hurry.


What do you make of the Skylanders success? 

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