Microsoft Voice Technology To Be Known As “Cortana”

 Voice technology is evolving and whilst Apple’s Siri device once held a monopoly over voice recognition it seems Microsoft, in a tribute to the Halo Series shall now jump into the market with their voice tech, known as, “Cortana”.

Whilst still highly secret, multiple sites have claimed the existence of this latest Microsoft device. The Cortana app will act in a style extremely similar to that of Siri but the device will evolve and change over time with continuous use, much like how the Cortana A.I, “evolves” in Halo. 

Zdnet has multiple sources which support this Cortana app and that it will be a main feature in later editions of the Windows Phones as time progresses.  Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO has hinted at the construction of this voice AI for years, such as in his memo from July whilst Microsoft underwent re-organisation. 

It is quite fair to say however that Windows Phone platforms are still not close to the popularity or sales of either iOS or Android smart phones. The recent purchase of Nokia’s Devices and Services businesses for $7.2 Million is seen as a stepping stone towards Microsoft’s attempts to gain larger ground in the market.

We will have to wait and see if this Cortana app will indeed take it’s place as a significant unique selling point for Microsoft Phones. 

What do you think of the Cortana A.I?

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