Forza Developer: Talking About Console Power Is Pointless Unless You’re Informed

 It comes as no surprise that the next generation of consoles has a lot to live up to, not only in terms of products, but also with hardware potential.

Yet this debate, which continues to grow as the release date of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 draws closer is pointless for someone such as Dan Greenawalt. For him, unless you are completely informed on the topic of hardware potential, there is not much we can discuss about gaming graphical growth. 

“I think it’s interesting when people talk about power this and power that, because to have  a really honest discussion there you have to be super informed,” noted Greenawalt to ArabicGamers. “Because it’s kind of like the differences honestly between, ‘which is faster, a 500 horsepower Mustang or a 400 horsepower BMW M3’? It’s not an easy question.” 

For Greenawalt, the power of the Xbox One console is pivotal to the potential of the Forza Motorsport series.

“So when you’re building the game and you make a bespoke engine that was built for the platform, and the platform is optimized for the type of work you’re doing, it’s very important when the power is and where the optimisations are. The Xbox One…was hardware that was made for core games like Forza Motorsport.”

He continues, “we have 1080p resolution, we have 60 frames per second and more than that we have the Cloud. And the Cloud allows us to deliver things that I’ve wanted to deliver for ten years now.”

It is clear that the aim for Forza is to be as optimized as possible the Xbox One. But are we still able to judge exactly how powerful the engine can be with a game like this from an outsider perspective? 

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