Dragon Age: Inquisition “Multi-Region” Instead Of Open-World

In a recent interview with RockPaperShotgun, Bioware’s Mike Laidlaw has laid-out the world of Dragon Age: Inquisition with a little more detail.

Foregoing the open-world many people had gotten the impression Dragon Age: Inquisition would have, Laidlaw set the record straight. “Open world” I think is a really loaded term,” he stated, “because everyone immediately thinks of Skyrim and assumes everything will be exactly like Skyrim. In our case, there are extremely large regions you can explore.”

He goes on to say “It’s a multi-region game, which means that you’ll travelling with a world map. You’re travelling across this chunk of the continent in which the game is set. And each of the regions is purposeful.” These smaller areas will have elements of exploration, to scratch that little itch as you save the world from demons and the Mage/Templar war.

Set in the continent of Thedas, the series has explored only two countries out of the many that comprise the various cast of cultures and ethnicities. This “multi-region” design will let us explore countries we have yet to set foot in and perhaps go back the previously saved land of Fereldan.

I you want to read the full interview it can be found here.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is out late next year on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

What do you think? Would you prefer an open-world or the smaller, more focused areas? Let us know in the comments.