Xbox One Voice Controls Only Supported in 8 Countries at Launch

Microsoft revealed recently that only 13 countries would be getting the Xbox One console before 2014, instead of the previously announced 21. This would lead you to believe that those 13 still getting the console would have all of the consoles features at launch. Microsoft have today announced that only 5 countries would have the support of Kinect’s voice controls at launch; these countries being UK, US, Canada, France and Germany.

This means that the other countries receiving the console at launch in the month of November will be missing the voice controls Kinect provides. Since the initial announcement however Albert Penello, Microsoft’s product planner, added via twitter that a further 3 countries would have support added on launch day.

This still leaves some countries without voice control support for their Kinect when they get their Xbox One’s on launch day.

What do you think about the lack of voice control in some launch countries? Let us know in the comments below.