Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers Poseidon Arc Trailer


With an introduction in to some more of the characters that will feature in the upcoming game, Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers is looking to get more action packed with this trailer showcasing the Poseidon Arc.

Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers will feature more than 50 Playable characters to battle along the 3 arcs from the original manga including Sanctuary, Poseidon and Hades.

As well as the standard edition of the game, check out what the collectors edition entails:

Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers’ Collector edition will include the exclusive Saint Cloth Myth EX Pegasus Seiya (New Bronze Cloth) – Original Colour only available with the game in Europe; this 18 cm figurine is part of the Myth Cloth Ex Edition.

The game will be coming out exclusively on the PS3 in November 2013.

So what are your thoughts about Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers? Are you planning to get into this manga inspired title? Let us know what you think down in the comments.