ArmA 3 Launching September

Morphicon and Koch Media today announced that ArmA 3, the ultra-realistic military simulator, has been given a release date of September 12th, 2013 for PC. The game ships as a Limited Deluxe Edition, featuring a hologram slip case, a special key card, a detailed map of the Altis Island and a printed game control overview.  The Limited Deluxe Edition also contains digital content including the game soundtrack, a digital tactical guide, digital maps and the classic ArmA game Arma Cold War Assault.

ArmA 3, developed by Peter Games, is noted for its hardcore and realistic approach to military tactics, and uses a new engine to realize its near-300Km²-size battlefield. The Real Virtuality 4 engine allows the developers to bring players new animations, an upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulations and PhysX™-supported vehicles.

Get ready for deployment on September 12th, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below.