VOLUME Announcement Trailer


[REDACTED] Does not kill. That would be far too easy. Instead, he commits his crimes through stealth. He sneaks, he distracts, he avoids. He is never seen, and seldom heard. As he grows in popularity and notoriety, so will his inventory. Blackjacks, bugles, thunderclaps and veils are just some of the tools at [REDACTED]’s disposal.

Volume seems to be a game akin to the Metal Gear Solids VR missions, but unlike these, it seems to be much more in depth, including things like a level builder and the promise of a story. Coming from the creator of Thomas Was Alone (which is an amazing game you should all play), we can expect it to be pretty awesome but, as the video shows, we are going to have to wait a little longer to find out more about Volume.

But what do you think of Volume? Could it be good? Or is it just too much like the MGS VR missions for your liking?