Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Size Edit Could Be Taking Place in September


A scan has surfaced on the internet which shows that a “Deck size edit” will occur in September for the OCG format of the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game.

“In late September 2013, rules concerning Deck Construction and the Tournament System with Yu-Gi-Oh will be changing, it will be revealed along with the newest Forbidden and Limited List in V-Jump on sale at stores throughout Japan on August 21st, 2013”

It is unclear as to what exact deck size will change but the assumption at this moment in time is that the extra deck will be increased to 20 cards (from 15). Other theories suggest that the main decks size could increase to 50 (instead of 40) allowing the game to bring back some old draw cards to give the game more consistency.

But what do you think? What will change? What do you want to change?