Limited Edition Vigor Bottles Now On Sale At The Irrational Store


Since the release of Bioshock Infinite in March, players have wanted to get their hands on the vigor bottles to put on their mantelpiece. While a keychain is nice, it can only go so far. Irrational Games have been listening however, with a new item in their store set to please these fans of all things Bioshock related.

Bioshock Infinite Devil’s Kiss Vigor Bottles are now on sale, with a limited run of 500 units. Coming in two flavours, the 9″ tall 4″ wide hand-painted replica doesn’t come cheap. Firstly, the cheaper $350 bottle has 450 units for fans to fight over. The more expensive $600 replica has only 50 units and are signed by Ken Levine himself and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

With such limited numbers, buy now or regret it later. Or perhaps splash your cash on other Bioshock Infinite related collectibles like the boardgame, Skyhook or “Mind In Revolt“, a prequel book to the game.

What do you think? Do you want a replica? Would you prefer a different vigor bottle? Let us know in the comments.