Yu-Gi-Oh Judgement of the Light TCG Exclusives Have Been Fully Revealed

Judgement of the Light is the newest YuGiOH set to hit the scene and is set to not only bring back Synchro monsters but also introduce the long awaited Bujin archetype! Now, just before the pre-releases this weekend, the full list of the TCG exclusive cards has been leaked and so far have recieved a very mixed reception. They include:

Some interesting cards here. There is a very obvious push on Tuner monsters, and therefore Synchro monsters, which is to be expected considering the sets tagline of bringing back the good old white cards. The extra Bujin support is also expected here due to the archetypes hype and initial popularity, and XYZ Encore is set to cause some trouble to the top tier decks of this format looking to be a really nice side-deck card.

But what do you think? Are these some good TCG exclusives? Will you be using them in your deck? Find out after the pre-releases this weekend!