Star Wars Battlefront is ‘Likely’ to Arrive in 2015

Speaking at EA’s annual stockholder meeting, CFO Blake Jorgensen has stated that Battlefront will “most likely come out around the same time that the Star Wars movies start to come out, probably in the summer of ’15.”

This fits in with an the earlier time frame for when LucasFilm announced they expect to release Star Wars Episode VII back in April.

Announced with no timeframe and a rather vague trailer back in E3, players have been waiting for a new Battlefront game for years. It would appear that wait will have to be prolonged a couple years longer as there are no signs of it being released quite yet.

Are you excited for the release of Star Wars Battlefront? Dissappointed that it seems to be waiting for Episode VII to be released to us? Let us know how you feel in the comments below.